As the executor of an estate, part of your responsibility is to marshal assets belonging to the deceased. In other words, you take control of them so that you can fulfill your other responsibilities, such as handling expenses and debts or funding bequests. On the...

New Jersey Estate Planning and Probate Law Blog
Which type of trust is right for me?
Trusts are an integral part of a solid estate plan. While they are often thought of as a tool for the very rich, they can also be useful for average people, like yourself. The key is to choose the right type of trust for your estate planning needs. According to U.S....
Does New Jersey’s inheritance tax apply to your heirs?
When you die, your heirs inherit your property and assets per the provisions of your last will and testament. Alternatively, if you live in New Jersey and die without a will, the state's laws of intestacy determine who inherits your property and in what proportion....
How do you talk to your family about your estate plans?
You took time to plan your estate so that your loved ones understand your end-of-life wishes and know how you want to handle your assets. Do you know how to discuss the contents of your estate with those closest to you? To help, Fidelity offers tips on starting the...
Understanding the probate process
When someone dies and has assets, the distribution of the assets and property go through probate. This is a legal process, and it occurs whether or not the person had a will. Probate may seem daunting, but in most cases, it is a fairly simple process as long as there...
What is a credit shelter trust?
New Jersey residents can potentially minimize future estate tax with a credit shelter trust. This trust allows your surviving spouse to inherit the trust and pass it along to your children when he or she dies without incurring tax. If you have estate planning on your...
What should you know about New Jersey powers of attorney?
If part of your estate planning includes executing a durable power of attorney, you should familiarize yourself with New Jersey’s requirements. As FindLaw explains, your POA likely will grant someone else, called your attorney in fact, the right to make health care...
What is a resident trust?
As you work on your estate plan, you will learn about a range of products you can use to leave your assets to heirs or organize the different aspects of your estate. One such term you may hear is a resident trust. According to the State of New Jersey website,...
What type of person makes for a good executor?
New Jersey residents like you work hard on your estate. It makes sense to work just as hard on your estate plan. After all, you want the transfer to go as smoothly as possible after your death. To ensure this smooth transition, you must have an intelligent, capable...
Optimizing federal estate tax planning
Past posts on this blog detailed the fact that New Jersey residents face the potential of their estate being subject to tax once they pass on. With proper planning, however, they may be able to limit that potential liability. Does the same hold true for federal estate...